Specializing in Ohio Community Behavioral Health Redesign documentation and coding rules.
All Coding Advantage team members are dedicated to their craft. Each team member holds a certification in auditing, coding, or billing. We work with you to make your practice a success. You can't have a better partner on the business side of medicine!!
​ Active memberships:
- National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)
My Story:
With over 30 years’ experience in all aspects of the business side of healthcare, I’ve built a one-person business teaching coding courses to a successful healthcare consulting and billing company with over 30 team members. I enjoy working with providers and healthcare organizations in finding the right way to be reimbursed for services provided. I’ve personally worked with hundreds of clients analyzing organizational process to find ways to leverage staff and workflow to decrease operational costs and increase reimbursement. I’ve always leaned on words my mother instilled in me long ago, “Dare to be different” and although when I was younger this annoyed me now, I use these words with my staff to remind them we are not the average billing company!! We are running an elite team fully remote. We have become the “Zoom Dream Team” making sure no one on the team feels isolated.
I have a good understanding on the functional medicine approach to healthcare and have worked with many providers and groups that want to run a hybrid practice managing both membership and insurance reimbursement contracts. Understanding how providers need to concentrate on patient care but still want to understand the concepts is my superpower.
Behavioral health coding and billing is also a passion of mine. Here in Ohio in my home state I have spent numerous years learning and teaching others how our state Medicaid handles different types of providers and services. As well our team either consults with or manages billing for behavioral health providers in Ohio, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New York, and Kentucky. Give us a new state and we will learn all those specific requirements!!
On the personal side, I have been married to a special man for 37 years. You got to be special to hang with me for the long haul!

We have two fantastic boys who are both adults now, Michael and Justin and of course our dog, Jackster. We live in a small town in Northeast Ohio, Chardon well-known for its lake effect snowstorms!!
I’m an avid Cross Fitter and run numerous Spartan OCR races every year. I love working out and it helps me reduce the stress of running a business! When I’m working out, its my time to unwind and pick up the weights! I not only set business goals but fitness goals as well. I’m always improving and adding new skills that even impress my kids.

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